
Axis<T,M,A> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Axis<T,M,A>.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAxisModelOverridden. The model to use to store configuration data.  
Public PropertyModelThe model to use to store configuration data.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCrossingAxisSets the CrossingAxis property.  
Public MethodCrossingValueAxisModel.CrossingValue  
Public MethodDataSourceTypeSets the axis model AxisModel.DataSourceType.  
Public MethodDataSourceUrlSets the axis model AxisModel.DataSourceUrl.  
Public MethodEnhancedIntervalMinimumCharactersSets the mininum desired characters to be displayed for horizontal axes when using advanced label heuristics. -1 will attempt to adjust the interval to precisely fit the horizontal labels.  
Public MethodExpectFunctionsSets whether the series should expect that properties in its items source may be functions that need to be evaluated to yield their value. This defaults to false, as there will be a subtle performance impact to using this feature. This value must be set before assigning an item's source to take effect.  
Public MethodFormatLabelSets the axis model AxisModel.FormatLabel.  
Public MethodIsDisabledSets the IsDisabled property. If true, the axis will not be rendered.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodIsInvertedSets the IsInverted property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodLabelOverloaded. Sets the label path to use for the axis.  
Public MethodLabelAngleSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelAngle.  
Public MethodLabelBottomMarginSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelBottomMargin.  
Public MethodLabelExtentSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelExtent.  
Public MethodLabelHorizontalAlignmentSets the LabelHorizontalAlignment property.  
Public MethodLabelLeftMarginSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelLeftMargin.  
Public MethodLabelLocationSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelLocation.  
Public MethodLabelRightMarginSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelRightMargin.  
Public MethodLabelTextColorSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelTextColor.  
Public MethodLabelTextStyleSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelTextStyle.  
Public MethodLabelTopMarginSets the axis model AxisModel.LabelTopMargin.  
Public MethodLabelVerticalAlignmentSets the LabelVerticalAlignment property.  
Public MethodLabelVisibilitySets the axis model AxisModel.LabelVisibility.  
Public MethodLocalSchemaTransformDataChartModel.LocalSchemaTransform  
Public MethodMajorStrokeOverloaded. Sets the MajorStroke property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodMajorStrokeThicknessSets the MajorStrokeThickness property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodMinorStrokeOverloaded. Sets the MinorStroke property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodMinorStrokeThicknessSets the MinorStrokeThickness property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodResponseDataKeySets the axis model AxisModel.ResponseDataKey.  
Public MethodResponseDataTypeSets the axis model AxisModel.ResponseDataType.  
Public MethodStripOverloaded. Sets the Strip property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodStrokeOverloaded. Sets the Stroke property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodStrokeThicknessSets the StrokeThickness property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodTickLengthSets the TickLength property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodTickStrokeOverloaded. Sets the TickStroke property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodTickStrokeThicknessSets the TickStrokeThickness property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodTitleSets the Title property.

This is a dependency property.

Public MethodTitleAngle  
Public MethodTitleHorizontalAlignment  
Public MethodTitleVerticalAlignment  
Public MethodUseEnhancedIntervalManagementSets whether to use more advanced heuristics when determining the initial number of labels to render, before resolving collisions, etc.  
See Also

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